Venus Freeze uses Radio Frequency not only to tighten your lose skin but it can also help you lose your abdomen, give you a well defined silhouette, soften wrinkles, reduce cellulite and so much more! Venus Freeze has a proven safety and efficiency record and has been loved by celebrities worldwide.
“This one is amazing – no pain, no downtime. I did it, I loved it, it’s called the Venus Freeze and it’s the number one skin tightening treatment today in the world.” – Beyonce Knowles
- Painless with no downtime
- Safe – US FDA Approved
- Amazing immediate results
- Treatment of all face & body areas
- Tighter skin
- Softening of wrinkles
- Fuller & more youthful appearance
- Reduced cellulite
- More contoured silhouettee
- Tighter abdomen post pregnancy
- It is a risk free treatment that does not harm the skin. Venus Freeze is suitable for both male and females and is safe for all skin types.
- Venus Freeze is the perfect solution to get rid of loose skin without plastic surgery. Venus Freeze takes years off your face & body.
- Treatments are pleasant, warm, relaxing and totally painless.
Real People. Real Results. Join Thousands of Satisfied Patients Worldwide
Venus Freeze™ is powered by our patented (MP)² technology, which combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields. Together, these two technologies produce uniform heat under the skin’s surface. Skin tightening* and wrinkle reduction occur because the radio frequency causes a thermal reaction in the tissue, which stimulates the body’s natural healing response. This restoring response causes new collagen to form, along with the increased production of fibroblasts and new elastin fibers, which results in firmer, smoother skin that looks noticeably more youthful.

The face, neck and entire body can be treated with Venus Freeze
Tighter skin, softening of wrinkles, plumper, fuller and more youthful appearance, reduced cellulite and a more contoured silhouette.
Most patients see a result in as little as three treatments however, we advise a full series of six treatments for the face and eight to ten treatments on the body to obtain optimal results.
None! In fact, most patients nap or just simply relax during the treatment. The sensation is absolutely painless pleasant and warm.
Radio Frequency and magnetic pulses have been used for many years in medicine and are proven, safe technologies. There are no side effects other than looking terrific and the contraindications are standard with all treatments. We will review your medical history and your aesthetic goals to see if Venus Freeze is the right treatment for you.
To obtain optimal results, we recommend 6 treatments for the face or neck, and 8 to 10 for the body. It is not uncommon that patients continue to see an improvement in their skin up to three months after the series of treatments is complete.
Yes, unless there is a contraindication which our Doctor or technician has advised you otherwise. Realistic expectations and a desire to look better are all you need.
After your Venus Freeze treatment series you will require maintenance treatments to ensure that you keep the aging process at bay. While the minimum treatments needed to maintain your result are one treatment once every season (4 treatments a year), we find that many patients like to come back as often as once a month because they love the treatments and the results. When you come for your consultation we will determine the best treatment plan for your skin.
Venus Freeze (MP)² works by incorporating Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Magnetic Pulsed Fields into one device and delivering it safely and effectively to the patient.
Skin tightening, wrinkle reduction and cellulite reduction occur because the multi-polar radio frequency causes a thermal response in the tissue which activates the body`s natural healing response. That healing response causes new collagen to form, new elastin fibers and the production of fibroblasts to increase. The existing collagen in the skin contracts (this causes the skin to look and feel firmer) and the elastin fibers unravel (which makes the skin more elastic).
Body contouring is achieved when the temperature of the skin is elevated, the body releases stress hormones. These hormones pass through the blood stream, and attach themselves to specific receptors on the membrane of the fat cell in the hypodermis (the deepest layer of the skin). The stress hormone, once attached to the receptor, activates the hormone sensitive lipase – the hormone that is in charge of breaking down triglycerides into free fatty acids. The free fatty acids exit the fat cell through the blood stream, and the volume of the fat cell is thus reduced giving you a smoother, more contoured shape.
Venus Freeze is the only treatment that offers superior clinical results without any pain or discomfort whatsoever, and with literally no downtime. That means that you can go back to work right after your treatment looking as beautiful as you feel.
Relaxed and the area will feel warm. Sometimes there is a slight pinkness to the skin. The warmth and pinkness will not last longer than an hour and most often has been described as a glow to the skin.
Very real. We only use before and after photos of real patients with typical results.
As you lay comfortably on a treatment bed, the technician will apply a treatment gel to the skin. This lotion helps the applicator glide on the surface of your skin. The correct size applicator is selected and the treatment provider will then begin to apply smooth and consistent movements on the surface of the skin. This feels like a wonderful warm massage. We encourage our patients to close their eyes and take this time to just relax and enjoy the quiet and focused time for them.
Absolutely nothing. Bring a pillow as you might fall asleep!
Can I do a treatment at lunch and return to work right away? Absolutely! A treatment to one area takes less than 30 minutes and you can apply makeup or suntan right after if you like.