Microdermabrasion, also known as microderm, is one of the easiest and most effective anti-aging treatments you can get. Mircrodermabasion is an excellent skin-exfoliation treatment for acne-scars and other mild scars.
Its benefits are many:
- Softens fine-lines and wrinkles
- Helps to smooth coarsely textured skin
- Decreases the appearance of scarring
- Decreases pore size
- Reduces superficial hyper-pigmentation, also known as age-spots.
Microdermabrasion also makes it easier for high-tech skin care products to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and help build collagen, which gives skin its youthful appearance.
A typical protocal is six treatments about 14 days apart.
Because the machine can be adjusted depending on skin type and condition, even people with sensitive skin can get a treatment from a skilled therapist.