Everything you need to consider before opting for a Facial
Laser Facial? LED Facial? Microcurrent Facial? How to pick the right one for you. Dr.Harshna Bijlani, Medical Head of The AgeLess Clinic & Celebrity Skin expert explains what the different types of facials are and how to pick the right one for you.
1. What are the different kinds of facials that a person can get?
There are various types of facials. There are normal or conventional facials, Medi-Facials and Super-Medi Facials.
- Conventional facials are the ones offered in parlours and salons, performed by regular beauticians.
- Medi-facials get their name from the fact that they’re performed in a clinic, under medical supervision and by well-trained aestheticians.
- Super-Medi facials incorporate skincare based technologies with a traditional facial to target your concern and give better more effective results than conventional facials or Medi-facials.
2. What are the different things you need to consider before choosing a facial?
Apart from choosing between a conventional facial, Medi-facial or a Super-Medi facial, you should also consider your concern, skin type and technology.
• Skin type – Pick a facial based on your skin type – whether it is dry, oily, combination or sensitive. The same facial would not work for dry skin and oily skin, so make sure you consider your skin type before picking a facial.
• Skin concerns – Pick a facial based on what your concern is, whether it is acne, pigmentation, dull skin, anti-ageing and so on.
• Sensitivities or allergies – Pick a facial after understanding what the facial steps are and if you have particularly sensitive skin or are allergic to something, keep that in mind and check with your facialist beforehand. If you have extremely sensitive skin, you may want to opt for facials with soothing products.
• Technology – Make sure you consider the type of technology that will be used in the facial and opt for it accordingly. There are various technologies out there for pigmentation, anti-ageing, rejuvenation and so on. Make sure the technology used in your facial is suitable for your concern and skin type
3. How often should one sign up for a facial?
Ideally you should get a facial every 3-4 weeks, depending on your lifestyle, skin type and skin concern.
4. Are there any precautions one should take before they go in for a facial?
• Research the place before you go in, make sure all the tools used by them are sterilized and make sure the facials they offer can actually tend to your concern.
• If you have acne prone skin do not go for an extensive massage as that would only make your acne worse.
• Stop using creams containing retinol or benzoyl peroxide a few days before as they tend to make your skin drier.
• If you have a big event coming up, try not to opt for a new facial that you’ve never done before, instead opt for a tried and tested route.
5. What does after-care look like?
Make sure you do not step out without sunscreen, do not use soap or any kind of a facewash for a couple of hours and if you’re wearing a post care serum, follow the instructions given to you by your facialist on how to remove it, when to remove it and how to take care of it. Also if possible avoid wearing makeup straight after, especially if a lot of extractions were done. If you’ve opted for Super-Medi Facials that use different skincare technologies, ask your doctor how you should care for it to get the best results.
6. How important is skin type, while picking a facial?
Just like every individual’s skin is different, how you should care for it is different too. The same facial that worked for your friend may not always work for you.
Understand your skin type and skin concern and ask your skin doctor to recommend a facial that would work best for you. For example, if you are someone with oily skin or active acne and you opt for a hydrating facial, it would clog your pores and increase the chances of you breaking out, without actually helping your skin. The same way, if someone with dry skin opts for a facial that uses products to control oil production and detoxify skin, the result could be over-dried skin and the glow they had before the facial would also reduce due to insufficient oil production on the skin’s surface.
Having said this, there are some facials like the Oxy facial or Hydrafacial® that tend to suit all skin types, so these might be a safer bet if you’re not sure what to opt for.
7. Any common misconceptions in regards to facials?
Yes, the sometimes patients believe that if a particular facial suited a friend it would suit them, some falsely believe that facials make the skin loose, facials and extractions give more breakouts or that facials should be done by individuals with older mature skin and not while you’re young or that facials or microdermabrasion could make your skin more sensitive. All these misconceptions are exactly that – misconceptions. Facials are great for all age groups, they do not cause breakouts or loose skin, what they do is improve your skin quality, not the other way round.
8. Should someone be worried if they're a first-timer for a facial?
There’s nothing to worry about while going for a facial, just make sure you opt for a facial that is recommended by your doctor and works for your skin type.
If it’s your first time, inform your facialist, so in case you want to opt for bleach or a new technology and have never done it before, they can do a patch test and make sure that the bleach and technology suit your skin and that you’re comfortable.
Please also make sure the place you go to is hygienic. If you’re getting extractions with a comedone extractor, please make sure they only use sterilized equipment. Preferably opt for a clinic instead of parlours so you can be assured of the hygiene and quality of the products and services delivered.
9. What is the most common misconception people have of facials?
Sometimes people tend to think that facials are not very effective, but if done correctly and especially in combination with good skincare technologies based on your concern, facials can give you fantastic results. Facials also allow us to address a wide range of concerns due to the marriage of technology with soothing traditional facials, so this is definitely something you should consider while deciding whether you want to opt for a facial or not.